Local Couples Therapists & Marriage Counselors
All Couples of ALL types welcome!
Couples Therapy is available at Rejuvenate. Your relationship can either be a significant source of happiness and a significant source of pain. When your relationship is struggling, the two people in the relationship struggle as well.
Many couples find themselves caught in a vicious cycle that doesn’t seem to stop because of a lack of cooperation from their partner. They find themselves conflicting more and more and lose their ability to effectively communicate.
Rejuvenate’s therapists help you to take responsibility for yourself, in order to heal the relationship. We work to get you out of the cycle of transactional relationships, codependency, blame, score-keeping, irresponsible behavior, and help you to adopt new beliefs about what it means to be in a healthy, functional, and committed relationship. We teach you safety skills, communication skills, how to disagree without it turning into an all-out war. We work hard to turn your relationship around and point you in the right direction.