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Neck pain help and relief in Kansas City and Lee's Summit MO

Neck pain and tension headaches

Neck pain; headaches, migrainesNeck pain can be terrible. If you are suffering from neck pain, there may be any number of reasons why. You might be working with your computer at an awkward angle, requiring you to keep your head and neck in a less than optimal position for hours at a time in order to keep your eyes on the monitor. If you spend a lot of time texting, Tweeting or otherwise using your phone, you might be looking down at it too much. Or you might need to exercise your neck more — most of us do not exercise our necks that much, after all. Or there might be something wrong with your posture.Spotting problems like this and giving advice on how to correct them is a part of chiropractic medicine.

Problems with your neck muscles can also lead to headaches. Three quarters of all people who suffer from headaches suffer from tension headaches. They begin gradually, and can last anywhere from a few minutes to several days. Tension headaches can arise in the neck muscles at the base of the skull. In this case, chiropractic medicine can help correct the problem.The chiropractor will work on the bones and disks of your neck to bring them into alignment and help the muscles stretch and flex to strengthen them.

There are a number of foods in the Lees Summit, MO area that can also lead to headaches, especially foods containing nitrite compounds. A chiropractor can give you advice on what these might be in your case.

Migraine headaches- Kansas City MO

Migraine sufferers in Kansas City, MO experience intense, throbbing headaches and nausea. They often suffer additional pain in the presence of bright light and loud noise. Chiropractic medicine frequently helps with migraines, especially in cases where the migraine is the result of stress. According to one study, half of those who underwent chiropractic treatment experienced significantly less pain, and 22 percent experienced a 90 percent reduction in migraines. It can also be used to prevent migraines, according to a major study. Even in cases where spinal manipulation itself cannot help, a chiropractor is often able to pin down the cause or aggravating factor of the headaches and recommend lifestyle changes for the patient.

Lees Summit, MO

If you live in western Missouri and suffer from neck pain, tension headaches or migraines, consider Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, whose staff includes three chiropractors, Dr. Joe Symes, Dr. Travis Early and Dr. Jaynee Brown. They will help you determine the cause of your neck pain, discuss your treatment options and costs and improve your quality of life. Rejuvenate was ranked the top chiropractor in Lees Summit in 2015. Call today for solutions to neck pain, headaches and migraines.