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Chiropractors services and treatment for Lee's Summit, MO and Kansas City, MO residents

Chiropractors services and treatment for Lee's SummitChiropractors relieve a variety of chronic pain in patients

Chiropractors use many different techniques to relieve Lee’s Summit, MO and Kansas City, MO area residents of chronic pain. When most people hear the word chiropractor, they think of people needing treatment for back pain. But, chiropractors can relieve a variety of pain patients experience such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other pain stemming from issues with the skeletal system without the use of medications and costly, invasive surgeries.

There are a variety of chiropractic treatments available for patients

When you visit a chiropractor, they have many different chiropractic treatment options they can use to relieve your pain. While chiropractors are perhaps best known for doing manipulations or adjustments of the skeletal system, that’s not the only tool they have at their disposal to treat you.

Spinal decompression is another well known chiropractic treatment. At Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, our providers may use this method to help relieve a variety of pain stemming from sciatica, bulging or herniated discs, other degenerative disc diseases, and more. For this treatment, your chiropractor will have you lay, comfortably, on a motorized table that is connected to a computer.  The table is unlocked, while your body stays stationary, allowing the table to stretch and release your spine, alleviating pain, pulling fluid into the discs, and decreasing pressure in the area that is treated.  This treatment will be tailored to meet your needs. Patients receiving this treatment should anticipate 15 to 20 minute sessions and often need multiple sessions to see optimal results.

Other treatment options available, and may even be used in conjunction with decompression treatments, include more common therapies like massage and stretching to loosen muscles. Your physician may also use ice or heat, various exercises, muscle stimulations, and soft tissue therapy.

We work to help you prevent the pain from recurring

If you are used to chronic pain, once it is gone you want to ensure it doesn’t come back. While chiropractic care provides patients with long lasting results, at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, we also work to teach you things you can do at home to prevent the pain from recurring. Our chiropractors will show you stretches and exercises you can do to ensure your results last as long as possible.

Lee’s Summit, MO chiropractor

Lee’s Summit, MO and Kansas City, MO residents find relief from chronic pain through chiropractic treatment. No matter if you suffer from back pain, neck pain, bulging or herniated discs, headaches, or another type of pain, we can help. Utilizing a variety of treatment options to relieve your pain, at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, we provide patients with long lasting pain relief. Plus, we give you tools you need to prevent the pain from recurring. To learn more about how a chiropractor can help you, or to schedule an appointment, be sure to contact our office today.