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Chiropractors offer pain relief for many things

Lees Summit Chiropractor offers pain relief

chiropractor offers pain reliefA chiropractor offers pain relief. Chronic pain can diminish productivity at work, make it hard or impossible to enjoy leisure time and otherwise degrade quality of life. If you find yourself suffering from chronic pain, a chiropractor may be able to find the source of the pain and offer pain relief.

Back pain

Alleviating back pain is the thing we most often think of chiropractors as doing. A chiropractor will apply just the right amount of force to alleviate strain and bring the bones and disks of the spine back into alignment. Obviously, you would want the most experienced chiropractor you can find to do this.

Back pain can be acute or chronic. It can be caused by a sudden strain, such as taking a fall, being in an accident, or trying to lift something heavy with your back instead of your legs. It can also be caused by repetitive or constant stress.

Neck pain

Neck pain can be caused by a number of things, including your sleeping position, the placement of your computer monitor at work or frequent looking down at your phone while texting. It can also be caused by a lack of neck exercise (how often do you exercise your neck?), a problem with your posture or an imbalance in the amount of work both sides of your body do.

There are ways to overcome all these problems, but the first thing you are going to want is pain relief. A chiropractor can adjust the bones and disks of your neck to bring them into alignment.

Headaches and migraines

Migraines and tension headaches are particularly unpleasant, and sometimes debilitating. They can include eyestrain and sinus trouble. They are most often treated with medications, but these medications can cause unfortunate side effects, and the patient may have an allergic reaction.

If your headache is the result of tension in the muscles at the base of the skull, a chiropractor may be able to help you by adjusting those muscles to relieve tension.If the headache is a result of posture while standing or sitting, a chiropractor can also give you advice on improving your posture.Even if the headache has other causes, such as nerve irritation or a problem with your food, a health expert may be able to identify the source of the problem.

Chiropractor offers pain relief in Lees Summit, MO

If you live in western Missouri and would like to try chiropractic medicine for pain relief, consider Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, whose staff includes three chiropractors, Dr. Joe Symes, Dr. Travis Early and Dr. JayneeBrown. They will help you determine the cause of your pain, discuss your treatment options and improve your quality of life. Rejuvenate was namedthe top chiropractor in Lees Summit in 2015.