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Chiropractor treat headaches and migraines in Kansas City and Lee's Summit, Mo

ChiropractorChronic headaches and migraines can impact your daily life

Chiropractor can elevate the pain of Lee’s Summit and Kansas City, Mo residents who suffer from chronic migraines and headaches. If you’ve ever had a migraine or a deal with constant headaches, you know how painful they can be, and the impact they can take on your life. Migraines and headaches can cause you to miss work and activities and cause you to miss out on spending time with family and friends.

A chiropractor at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center can help. Using chiropractic treatments to relieve your pain, provides you with long term pain relief without requiring you to take medications that can make you drowsy.

First, your doctor will look for the cause of your migraine

At Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, we look for the root cause of your headache before we treat it. While some people naturally suffer from frequent migraines, there may be something that is triggering your headache that can be avoided. For examples, stress can sometimes lead to headaches and neck pain. While sitting looking at a screen for extended periods of time can cause problems as well.

By understanding what is affecting you, your chiropractor can determine the best way to treat it. Plus, we can teach you stretches and exercises you can do at home to help prevent the pain from recurring, as well as give suggestions on other things you can do to help prevent headaches from coming back.

There are a variety of treatment options available

When you visit a chiropractor, there are many treatment options they can use to relieve your pain. Though chiropractors may most be known for treating patients through the use of spinal adjustments and manipulations, that is not the only treatment they use.

Other chiropractic treatments include stretching and massage to help relax tight muscles as well as the use of either ice or heat. They may also use a technique called decompression which uses a personalized program to stretch out and adjust the problem area. Chiropractors can also use electrical stimulation, stretching, and more.

Chiropractor in Lee’s Summit, Mo

Lee’s Summit and Kansas City, Mo residents who suffer from chronic migraines and headaches, should consider seeing a chiropractor at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center for relief. Our doctors offer long term pain relief by finding the cause of your recurring pain and then choosing the best treatment option for you. We’ll also give you the tools you need to help keep the pain from coming back. Contact our office today to learn more about chiropractic treatment and how it can help you. We look forward to helping you feel your best.