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Chiropractor can do more than just cure your back or neck pain

Chiropractor Lees SummitChiropractor is an all-natural remedy for many physical and mental issues

Chiropractor help has become the most natural and effective option in order to treat your body pain.  So many people all over the country deal with some kind of back or neck pain.  Rather than consult help from a doctor, these people decide to deal with their pain, which only makes things work.  They are afraid that their doctor will prescribe painkillers, which has become a growing concern in today’s America.  However, they do not realize that working with a chiropractor is all-natural and doesn’t require any type of drug use.

Working with a chiropractor has several benefits.  Firstly, they can help you tremendously if you suffer from sciatica.  According to a study published by The European Spine Journal, chiropractic adjustments had a 72% success rate when treating sciatica-like symptoms.  Compared to physical therapy, which only has a 20% success rate, and corticosteroid injections, which has a 50% success rate, it goes to show you how effective chiropractic treatment can be.

Secondly, chiropractic care can help you if you’re dealing with tension and migraine headaches.  These headaches, in fact, are one of the most common conditions that are regularly monitored by a chiropractor.  Another group study found that roughly 25% of people saw the number of their headache attacks drop by more than 90%!  That’s quite an alarming statistic, considering the fact that chiropractic treatment is all-natural and doesn’t incorporate the use of long-term drug taking.

Another way that chiropractic treatment is beneficial is through its effectiveness with scoliosis.  Dealing with scoliosis on a regular basis can be quite uncomfortable, especially as the disease progresses.  Studies show that by working with a chiropractor, it is possible to effectively manage the condition without having to resort to restrictive braces or dangerous surgeries.  In fact, patients who have decided to go forth with chiropractic care have seen a 10-30% decrease in their scoliosis curvatures.

Lastly, working with a chiropractor can improve your overall athletic performance.  In fact, many professional athletes, including football players, have regular chiropractic appointments in order to get the adjustments, stretches and exercises they need to stay in top shape.  You may be surprised to hear that chiropractic care can boost your immune system, enhance pulmonary function, decrease mental stress and reduce muscle tension.  If you’re somebody training for an event or simply want to be in the best shape possible, then consulting a chiropractor may be the right move for you.

Chiropractor in Lee’s Summit, MO

If you’re living in Lee’s Summit and Kansas City, MO, and are in need of chiropractic care, then look no further than the Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center.  With extensive experience in the field, a Rejuvenate chiropractor will take a look at your body structure and provide the adjustments necessary in order to carry out your life comfortably and effectively.  Pay a visit to their offices today and see what they can do for you!