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Chiropractor can help you get back in the game

Chiropractor can help with sports injuries

A chiropractor can help if you are injured. If you suffer from a sports injury in Lees Summit, MO, your chiropractor can help you recover. Before you do anything else, if you have an injury you need to take a break. A pulled muscle or a hurt back demands a certain amount of rest. Trying to play through the pain is likely to compound the injury. There is a time and a place to practice the virtue of physical endurance, and this is not it.

The rule for pulled muscles is PRICE — Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. In addition to protecting the injured body part with padding and not putting any more strain on it, you should put some ice on it (not for more than 20 minutes at a time), get it elevated and put a soft-wrapped bandage on it to bring down the swelling. Later on, you should arrange for some stretching exercise — just enough to encourage the muscle to strengthen without straining it again. For a more severe injury, such as a sprain, you should see a doctor right away.

Repetitive injuries to the joints, such as tennis elbow or runners knee, are caused by cumulative overuse of joint, often without stretching it properly. Again, it is necessary to give the injured area a rest and ease it back into exercise gradually. To reduce the chance of repetitive injuries, be sure to use the right equipment and footwear.

Call your chiropractor

Your Kansas City chiropractor can be of some assistance in all of these cases, both for treating the injury and isolating the cause, but he or she can be particularly helpful in case of a back injury. In sports, back injuries are most often caused by making a sudden twist. Chiropractic care is considered safe and effective for the kind of acute back pain that results from this sort of injury.

Spinal manipulation, which is what most people think of when they think of chiropractic medicine, makes sure that all parts of the backbone — bones, disks, everything — are back to where they ought to be. Rehabilitative exercise is often a part of the treatment. A good chiropractor will make a point of helping to identify the source of the injury and make recommendations on how to keep it from recurring when you get back out there.

Chiropractor can help – contact chiropractors in Lees Summit

If you live in western Missouri, have suffered a sports injury and are in need of a chiropractor, consider Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, whose staff includes three chiropractors, Dr. Joe Symes, Dr. Travis Early and Dr. Jaynee Brown. They will help you determine the cause of your back pain, discuss your treatment options and improve your quality of life. Rejuvenate was ranked the top chiropractor in Lees Summit in 2015.