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Chiropractor: A different approach to pain relief

Chiropractor in Kansas City and Lee's SummitChronic pain can cause you to miss out on life’s activities

Chiropractor in Kansas City and Lee’s Summit, MO offer long lasting relief from chronic pain. If you’ve lived with, or currently are living with chronic pain, you know the impact it can make on your life. Whether it stems from back or neck issues, chronic headaches, bulging or herniated discs, or something else, dealing with constant pain can cause you to miss out on your favorite activities. Walking may become difficult, sitting at work can be painful, and you may even find sleeping is uncomfortable.

To treat chronic pain, many people may take over the counter or prescription medications. But, these can be costly in the long run and may not totally relieve your pain. Surgery may also be used to relieve pain, but it is costly and invasive. Instead, consider visiting a chiropractor at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center to find relief.

Chiropractors take a different approach to relieving pain

The chiropractors at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center take a different approach to pain relief than other doctors may. Our approach involves finding the cause of your pain and identifying triggers, so you can avoid them in the future. For example, if you sit long periods of time at a desk, your neck pain may be caused by poor desk posture. Looking at computers for extended periods of time may cause headaches. Muscles that are out of alignment may also trigger pain.

Once your chiropractor has determined the cause of your pain, they’ll determine the best way to treat it. Using a variety of treatment options, our team will relive your pain without the use of surgery or medications. Chiropractors are probably most well known for doing chiropractic adjustments to treat patients, but they use other treatment options too. Massage and heat, ice, stretching, decompression, and more, are all used to give patients long term relief from pain.

We work to prevent the pain from recurring

Some people struggle with chronic pain, find relief, then find themselves dealing with pain again. When you visit a chiropractor at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, we’ll give you the tools you need to prevent the pain from coming back. To do this, your doctor will teach you things you can do on your own, such as exercises and stretches, to keep pain away.

Lee’s Summit, MO chiropractors

Kansas City and Lee’s Summit, MO residents who struggle with chronic pain, don’t have to keep dealing with it. Make an appointment with a chiropractor at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center to find long term pain relief. To learn more about this treatment option, and see if it’s right for you, contact our office today.