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Chiropractic information for Lee's Summit and Kansas City, MO

Chiropractic issues:  Back pain is a big problem in Lee’s Summit and the U.S.

Chiropractic is a word often associated with manipulating bones of the back and neck to treat a variety of issues for patients. Back pain is one of the biggest areas chiropractors in Lee’s Summit and Kansas City, MO, and across the United States, must diagnose and treat in their patients. In fact, back pain is the single leading cause of disability, worldwide. And, it is estimated that more than half of Americans deal with back or neck pain each year. Back pain, caused by a variety of issues, can impact people’s jobs and everyday life.

Staring at computer screens all days, sitting for long periods of time, poor posture, and natural aging, are all some reasons people may experience back and neck issues, but they definitely are not the only reasons. For those who suffer from these issues and more, consider chiropractic at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center to help relieve pain, and treat the underlying cause.

Chiropractic sessions can help diagnose the underlying cause of your pain

Many people may write off these pains, especially neck pain, as being brought on by stress. But, it is important for doctors to find the underlying cause of your pain so it can be adequately treated as this pain can be caused by more serious issues such as bulging or herniated discs, and overworked muscles, among other causes. Finding the root cause of your pain allows doctors to give you the best treatment possible and prevent the pain from reoccurring.

Once the cause is found, your provider will determine the best treatment option for you. Chiropractic treatments include things such as adjustments, stretches, exercises to build up muscle, and more. If you have a chiropractic issue, a visit to a chiropractor may save you repeat doctor visits and time missed from work.

Bulging and herniated discs may not require surgery

Chiropractic care may be something to consider before undergoing surgery for a bulging or herniated disc. Your chiropractor may be able to correct this issue and help you prevent it from happening again, saving you time and money by avoiding surgery.

Chiropractors can also help relieve headaches

Migraines and severe headaches can be debilitating for those who suffer from them. Chiropractic can help identify the cause of your headaches and use a variety of techniques to help treat symptoms. Your physician will talk with you to determine the type of headache you are experiencing, such as tension, cluster, or sinus to name a few, before deciding on a course of treatment.

Chiropractor in Lee’s Summit, MO

Lee’s Summit and Kansas City, MO residents who suffer from back or neck pain, frequent headaches, and other back issues should consider chiropractic at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center. Chiropractic care can often find the underlying cause of the problem and help treat it. Your chiropractor can also work to make sure symptoms don’t keep recurring.