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Chiropractic care: A New Approach to Pain Management

Traditional treatments may not relieve chronic pain long-term

Chiropractic care offers Lee’s Summit, MO area residents a new way to approach pain management. If you suffer from chronic pain in your back or neck, have recurring or frequent headaches and migraines, and even have pain in your shoulders or hips, it can make a negative impact on your quality of life. Discover the benefits of chiropractic and how it works to see if this treatment may be right for you.

Q. What is chiropractic care?

A. Chiropractic care involves the use of natural treatment options to relieve chronic pain. This type of care focuses on finding the cause of your chronic pain, then treating it so you find long term pain relief and can return to your daily activities with a better quality of life.

Q. What types of treatments does chiropractic care involve?

A. There are many treatments your chiropractor may use to relieve your pain. Most people think of spinal adjustments and manipulations when they hear the words chiropractic care, but there are many other treatment options available to your doctor as well. Massage, heat, ice, decompression, stretching, and exercises can all be used to relieve your pain.

Q. What will my chiropractic care plan include?

A. That depends. One of the benefits of choosing chiropractic is that you will receive a custom treatment plan, as we know not everyone is the same. Your doctor will perform an examination to determine the cause of your pain, then create a custom plan just for you. Your chiropractor will be able to go over what your treatment plan will include, and how many treatments you’ll need following your first appointment.

Q. What are the benefits of chiropractic care?

A. Chiropractic care offers many other benefits in addition to having a customized treatment plan. Traditional treatment of some chronic pain can entail surgery, which is invasive and requires downtime to recover from, as well as the use of medications to control pain. Chiropractic offers a noninvasive, natural way to relieve pain. You won’t need weeks, or months, off work to heal from surgery and you won’t need to rely on expensive pain medication to start seeing results.

Q. How old do you have to be to visit a chiropractor?

A. Any age. People of all ages can find relief through chiropractic care, from children to older adults. Contact your chiropractor if you have questions regarding taking your child to see them.

Chiropractic care in Lee’s Summit, MO

Lee’s Summit, MO residents with chronic pain can find long term relief through chiropractic care at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness. Contact our office today to learn more about our treatments and to see if this is right for you.