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Chiropractic care for Lee's Summit and Kansas City, MO residents

Chiropractic medicineThe use of chiropractors  in Lee’s Summit MO is growing

Chiropractic care is something more and more Lee’s Summit and Kansas City MO residents are seeking when they begin experiencing back and neck pain. And it’s not just in our neighborhood; many people visit chiropractors for treatment across the United States. In fact, per the American Chiropractic Association, more than 35 million Americans, including both adults and children, are treated by chiropractors annually. With more than half of all Americans experiencing back or neck pain, it’s not a surprise more people are turning to chiropractic care for relief.

Chiropractors treat a variety of aches and pains

Chiropractic care can help relieve a variety of pain that stems from the skeletal system. Most often, when you say the word chiropractor to people, they immediately jump to thinking about treatment for back problems. But, that’s not the only thing these physicians can treat.

Neck pain is another concern a chiropractor can help treat. Neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors and is becoming a more common problem for people, leading many people to turn to chiropractic care for relief.

Another issue chiropractors can treat is headaches. People who suffer from chronic headaches may start to find their quality of life is effective as headaches can be debilitating at times. Thankfully, a chiropractor may be able to help.

Bulging or herniated discs are another issue many people may seek chiropractic care to treat. Bulging discs, which refer to the soft interior between the vertebrae can push out of its space, and herniated discs, when the exterior cracks and the interior bulge out, can cause problems for patients. Many people turn to surgery to correct these issues, but before you go under the knife consider chiropractic care first.

Chiropractors use a variety of treatments

Chiropractic care can include a variety of treatments. The doctors at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness work to first find the cause of your pain, then they work to relieve and treat it, as well as teach you exercises you can do to help prevent it from recurring. Stretching, manipulations, decompression, massage, heat, ice, and more are all treatment options your doctor may utilize. Your chiropractor will determine the best treatment for you after determining the cause of the problem.

Chiropractor in Lee’s Summit, MO and Kansas City, MO

Lee’s Summit and Kansas City, MO residents who suffer from back and neck pain, recurring headaches, or bulging and herniated discs should contact Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness. Our doctors work to find the cause of your pain then help treat it. Instead of just dealing with the pain or ignoring it until it goes away, consider chiropractic care to help relieve it. To learn more about our treatment options and to see if chiropractic care is a good option for you, be sure to contact us today.