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Chiropractic care in Lee's Summit, MO treats chronic back and neck pain

Chiropractic care in Lee’s Summit, MO can relieve chronic back and neck pain

Chiropractic care in Lee’s Summit, MO helps relieve pain for patients who struggle with chronic back and neck pain. If you’ve ever had back pain or neck pain, you know the impact it can make on your life, and not in a good way. See what can cause back and neck issues, and how chiropractic care can help.

Chiropractic care in Lees Summit MO

Q. What causes back and neck pain?

A. There are many things can cause back pain or neck pain. Back pain can be caused by using improper lifting techniques, twisting the back incorrectly, or tight muscles, among others. Neck pain can be caused by poor posture, looking at computer or phone screens all day, tight muscles, and more.

Q. Does the cause of my pain impact my treatment?

A. Yes. When you visit a chiropractic office like Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, the first thing your chiropractor will look at is the cause of your pain. This is important for two reasons. One, it helps determine what type of treatment your doctor will use. Second, it helps determine how your chiropractic provider will help prevent the pain from returning.

Q. What will my first chiropractic visit be like?

A. Your first chiropractic visit will focus on diagnosing the cause of your pain. For your first appointment, be sure to wear loose, athletic type clothing and sensible shoes. Your chiropractic doctor will not only examine your back and neck, they will probably ask you to move around and do some exercises to help them diagnose your pain. You’ll also have time to discuss your concerns with your doctor and provide information on triggers you’ve noticed. Then, they’ll work to develop your chiropractic treatment plan.

Q. what should I bring to my appointment?

A. There are a few things you should bring with you to your chiropractic appointment. First, be sure to bring your insurance card if you plan on using that pay for your visit. If you will have a copay, or are planning to pay out of pocket, bring a form of payment as well. If you’re coming from work, you may also want to bring a change of clothes. Lastly, bring any notes you have taken leading up to your appointment including questions you have and a list of symptoms.

Chiropractic care in Lee’s Summit, MO

Lee’s Summit, MO residents who struggle with back or neck pain, or other types of chronic pain, can find relief through chiropractic care. Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center has a team of chiropractic physicians who will work to diagnose the cause of your pain, treat it, and give you tools to prevent it from coming back. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment.