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Chiropractic Care For Residents in Lee's Summit MO

Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide

Chiropractic team at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center offers a new approach to relieving back pain in Lee’s Summit, MO patients. Those who have struggled with chronic back pain know the debilitating impact it can make on people’s lives. It can cause missed days of work, make driving painful, and leave you stuck at home rather than attending kids’ activities. Back pain isn’t uncommon, in fact, it’s the leading cause of disability across the globe. See how taking a approach can help relieve your pain and get you back on your feet.

Q. What makes chiropractic care different?

A. When you visit your general physician for pain relief, they often prescribe medication to manage your symptoms. Some people even undergo surgery to find relief. A chiropractic approach, however, doesn’t rely on expensive medications and invasive surgeries to treat patients. Instead, we provide natural treatments and provide tools to help you prevent the pain from coming back.

Q. How does chiropractic treatment work?

A. When you go in for your chiropractic appointment, the first thing your chiropractor will do is work to diagnose the cause of your back pain. To do this, they’ll ask you questions about the pain, perform an examination of the impacted area, and even may ask you to do certain movements. Rarely, your doctor may have you have an x-ray.

Once the cause is determined, they’ll develop a chiropractic care plan to treat your pain. This treatment plan will treat the cause of your issue and prevent it from coming back.

Q. What are some chiropractic treatments?

A. There are many chiropractic treatment options available to your chiropractor. The one they’ll use will be determined by the cause of your pain. Popular chiropractic treatments include heat, ice, massage, manual adjustments, electrical stimulation, stretches, and more.

Q. When will I see results?

A. When it comes to chiropractic treatment, every person is different. Though you may feel some relief after one visit, you will probably need to come in for multiple appointments to get full results. Your chiropractic doctor will discuss how many treatments you’ll need when they develop your treatment plan.

Chiropractic in Lee’s Summit, MO

Lee’s Summit, MO residents who struggle with chronic back pain should consider a new approach to finding relief. Visit the team at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center. Our physicians work to treat the cause of your pain, offering you long-term relief without the use of medications or surgery. Contact our office today to learn more, or to schedule your appointment.