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Back pain and your Lees Summit chiropractor

Back pain: three cases

Back pain

(The following is a dramatization.)

Mark was in college, on the football team and trying very hard to get in shape. The last thing he needed was back pain. Unfortunately, that was what he got. He tried to play through the pain, but his performance on the field became steadily worse. Finally, his coach, who had seen this sort of thing before, told him to go see a doctor if he wanted to keep playing.

His doctor sent him to a chiropractor, who was able to ease some of the tension in his back. The chiropractor also told Mark that his own exercise regimen was not only putting a lot of strain on his upper back, but unbalancing it by favoring one side too much. Mark was able to change his exercises accordingly.

Posture problems

You would think that a tall, athleticteenager would have very few problems in life. Judy, however, had one big problem — her back.About the time she turned fifteen, she had a growth spurt that brought her up from five foot four to five foot eleven. She began suffering from constant, low-level back pain that interfered with her ability to participate in sports.

Her coach recommended she see a chiropractor in Lees Summit, MO. The chiropractor found that the real cause of her problems was bad posture. She was having trouble adjusting to her new height. With the help of the chiropractor, she was able to find a series of exercises that allowed her to strengthen her back muscles and improve her posture.

Bulging discs

David was in his sixties. He had no bad habits, had gotten regular exercise over the course of his life, and had rarely overstrained himself. Nonetheless, he was starting to experience back pain. It reached a point where it was not just confined to his back any more, but affected his arms and legs. The back pain made it hard for him to work. It distracted him when he went for a drive and made him lose energy when playing with his grandchildren.Even walking on a hard floor became difficult.

A chiropractor found that the problem was that the disks in his back were degenerating with age. By stretching the spine very slightly, he was able to relieve the pressure on the disks and ease the pain considerably.

If you live in the Kansas City, MO area and suffer from back pain, consider Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center, whose staff includes three chiropractors, Dr. Joe Symes, Dr. Travis Early and Dr. Jaynee Brown. They will help you determine the cause of your back pain, discuss your treatment options and costs and improve your quality of life. Rejuvenate was ranked the top chiropractor in Lees Summit in 2015.